Staying Connected


WELCA stands for Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  The St. Luke's Chapter of WELCA extends a warm welcome to you and thank you for taking the time to get to know us.


We are a group of 'on the go' women who enjoy spending time with each other and participating in upbuilding activities. Whether it is a lunch outing or working on a quilt together, we are certain to share a smile and a story with fellow members.


Due to the economy and the need for food in the community, we manage an ongoing Food Pantry table which is delivered to the Interfaith Food Pantry.


We keep in touch with our shut-ins and sick by sending cards at delivering flowers at Easter and Christmas.


We welcome all members to attend our meetings.


The WELCA group meets the first Thursday of each month with Pastor Sally leading with a Bible Study.


For more information on WELCA, feel free to contact us or call 301-722-4190.


Lutheran Love Notes

We miss you!  We miss seeing you, we miss our warm hugs and handshakes during the passing of the peace, we miss catching up with each other on Sunday morning church and we miss opportunities to show the love we have for each other.  Many of us just feel a loss of connectedness because of COVID 19.


What can we do?  Many of our members can’t risk returning to worship in the enclosed sanctuary.  Parking Lot Church has been great at helping us satisfy spiritual needs and it is wonderful seeing our church family from a distance, but we just can’t catch up, properly, on the highs and lows of our everyday life. We have a solution: Lutheran Love!!


We want to hear about the highs and lows of your life.  Just call one of the members of the Lutheran Love!! committee and tell us what is going on.  If it is important enough to tell your family members then it is important enough to tell us.  No problem or happy event is too big or small to share with us.


When you share a happy event we will ask you to permit us to place your news in the church bulletin or newsletter so your church family can celebrate with you.  When you share a concern you will find us listening with a sympathetic heart, offering help if needed, and asking if you would like us to let others know of your situation.  Your information is confidential unless you permit us to disclose it.  We will also ask if you would allow us to activate the newly formed prayer on your behalf.


Please let us know if you would like to serve on this committee or be part of the prayer chain.  Also, do not hesitate to call us with any questions you may have. 


The current members are:

Pastor Sally 304-813-0889

Carolyn Clauson Andrews 301-697-0043

Wendy Upchurch 301-697-5444

Sharon Cihlar 301-697-8696

Ray Beall 301-697-3857


On behalf of the Church Council Members and Pastor Sally, we look forward to hearing from you!  And remember you are surrounded by Lutheran Love!!

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Re-opening Guidelines

Preparation and Communication

  • Complete a Risk Assessment
  • Install clear signage that describes church policies and best hygiene practices
  • Follow guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting all spaces

Important Notice: If you or a member in your single family house hold test positive for COVID-19, are feeling ill, have a temperature, have been exposed to COVID-19, have compromised immune systems, or are at high risk of exposing others. You are welcome to participate in other ways such as online worship via our YouTube link.


Physical Building & Grounds

  • Enable HVAC systems to introduce fresh air into the worship space
  • Setup air purifying systems to disinfect circulated air through UV light technology 
  • Prepare accommodations for restroom distancing – look for tape on the floor to maintain proper physical distancing
  • All special events (weddings, baptisms, birthday gatherings etc.) will be evaluated individually based on local, state and national guidelines.


Hygiene and Safety

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at all entrances and in the pews
  • Daily cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces will take place
  • Face masks must always be worn at all times. If you do not have a mask one will be provided.


Physical Distancing

  • Multiple methods of worship are available: in-person, parking lot and virtual
  • Temperatures will be taken before entering
  • In-person worship sign in will take place upon entry – this will help maintain a confidential record of who was physically present in the event a case is identified and assistance is needed with contact tracing per health department request
  • Ushers and greeters will guide you while entering and exiting
  • No one will be permitted to congregate in hallways, the narthex (foyer), or at entrances to the building
  • Reorganization of seating – Alternate pews will be used in the Sanctuary to guide worshipers to sit at least six feet from each other. This does not apply to family members in a single household.  


Speaking, Singing, and Playing Instruments in Worship

  • Singing will not be permitted during indoor worship services. Singing together, even from a distance, is one of the riskiest behaviors due to the spread of aerosol and droplets that can carry the virus a significant distance and remain suspended in the air. A cloth mask is unlikely to protect you or your neighbor.
  • Instrumental music, clapping, and/or moving in rhythm will be used for worshipers to participate in place of singing


Worship Practices

  • Offering stations will be set up on tables as you enter and exit the sanctuary
  • Alternate methods of sharing the peace outside of family households can include the exchange of words, waves, or using American Sign Language
  • Worship service will last approximately 30 minutes


Holy Communion

  • Those preparing and packaging communion must sanitize their hands
  • Indoor worshipers will receive a holy communion personal bundle upon entry for individual pick up
  • Upon exiting the Sanctuary all used communion bundles can be disposed in the designated box


Worship Leadership

  • The pastor will be mindful of physical distancing not passing the first pew
  • Church leaders will refrain from greeting worshipers at the door before or after worship



Thank you in advance for your understanding, support and cooperation with our efforts to worship together. As a reminder if you cannot or are unable to comply with these requirements please worship at home by participating in our virtual YouTube service. 



As ELCA congregations face difficult decisions regarding when and how they will be able to gather again

for worship, this resource offers general guidance. Please note that this not a comprehensive, one-size-fits-all resource; it will need to be interpreted and adapted for your local context. In many, if not most contexts, it will not be safe or advisable to gather for in-person worship for some time. National, state, and local medical and legal guidelines will need to be consulted and followed. While risk is not avoidable, this guidance is presented with the aim of reducing the level of risk for your community.

Click here for more information. 


Check out our Events to find out what events we will be organizing in the near future.

Upcoming St. Luke's Events!

Worship Times


Drive In - Sundays:


Parking Lot Service - 9:00 a.m.


Check us out on Facebook by selecting link below!

St. Luke's Facebook Page





1601 Frederick Street

Cumberland, MD 21502

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© St. Lukes Lutheran Church

